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    Performance Reporting


    In order to gauge the effectiveness of MDCP projects we must be able to quantify success. Part B of the quarterly performance report is where you can report progress on measures specific to your project. However, it is in Part A that you will report performance on the primary measure of MDCP project success: exports generated by project activity. We are proud that on average, MDCP projects generate $124 in exports for every $1 of MDCP award. We are only able to calculate this statistic because of cooperators that get exporting U.S. companies to report their successes.
      A. Strategies for gathering information


    - Success agreements.

    - Export achievement awards.

    - Pre-event USEAC outreach. (See Cooperator Basics line 7.)


      B. Clear understanding of how each measure is reported.

    - Part A e.g. exports attributed v. transactions.

    - Part B e.g. are all measures quantified?

    - Part C keep your activity calendar updated. (As of 2010.08.23 Part C is not required due to technical difficulties.)


      C. Documenting and sharing success.

    - Photos.

    - Success stories.

    - Reference/attribution to ITA.


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