A hand holding a magnifying glass in front of an earth globe with an old leather breafcase in the background.
Industry & Analysis
Industry & Analysis’ industry, trade, and economic analysts produce the world’s most innovative, high-quality, in-depth trade analysis; defining the future of international trade, investment, and export promotion.

Industry & Analysis

I&A Vision

Maintain the leading competitive edge of American industry throughout the world.

I&A Mission

To produce the world’s most in-depth, high-quality trade analysis while creating and implementing innovative trade and investment strategies that unlock global opportunities for U.S. businesses.



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Leadership of Industry & Analysis

Grant Harris
Grant T. Harris
Assistant Secretary of Commerce
Industry and Analysis

Grant Harris is the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Analysis

Heather Helm
Heather Helm
Principal Deputy Assistant for Industry and Analysis
Industry & Analysis

Heather Helm is the Principal Deputy Assistant for Industry and Analysis

Divisions within Industry & Analysis