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News, tips, and information for MDCP cooperators.

Setting Up Shop Abroad
Since 1993, ITA has helped cooperators establish almost 20 offices or other facilities in foreign venues including: Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Bangalore, and Delhi. Many trade associations, standards developing organizations, and other industry groups find that they cannot effectively help U.S. industry to better compete abroad without having a physical presence in market.

Pick Their Brains
Before establishing a presence in a foreign market, consult with other cooperators that have already done it. Consult the list of MDCP projects to identify those that may be of interest to you.

Other Resources
You may already belong to groups that can help you with ideas. For example in the June 2011 issue of Associations Now, the American Society of Association Executives published a short article on Conducting International Operations. The American Chamber of Commerce in your target market is usually a good resource too. And you should always discuss your ideas and plans with ITA's Commercial Service staff in market.



U.S. Information Technology Organization (USITO) was established in Beijing in the mid-1990s as part of an MDCP project.


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