GrantsOnline Training March 26.
On March 26, Mr. Chris Suzich, one or our Commerce Department collegues at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will train all cooperators in the use of GrantsOnline. This tool allows you transact most of your financial assistance management business online. For example, with GrantsOnline, financial reports and amendment requests can be done with the click of a mouse. The training is being done by teleconference beginning at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Plan to be at a web-connected computer so you can follow along online. We'll send out dial-up and web address details in the next couple of days.
Quarterly Performance Reports Due April 30.
Your quarterly performance report is due a month after the end of the quarter. For the quarter ending March 31, 2009, submit your report online the same way you did for the report for the quarter ended December 31, 2008. We'll send out another invitation email in late March or early April.
Your Copy of Quarterly Performance Reports.
We realize that the new online reporting system does not leave you with a copy of the report you enter online. We will send you a pdf of your submitted quarterly report a few days afer it is submitted and accepted. We are still finalizing this new online reporting process. Thanks for your patience.

John Miller and and Bruce Harsh, of ITA's Office of Service Industries, flank Laurie Denham of the American Society of Transportation and Logistics. AST&L received a 2008 MDCP award to create a China training module for logistics so that more U.S. logistics companies can set up shop there.