OECD Information

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

OFII participates in three OECD committees/working groups covering export credits, insurance and private pensions, and entrepreneurship. Key links are as follows:Officially Supported Export Credits

The OECD serves as the international forum where the United States and other net creditor governments negotiate disciplines on the use of officially supported financing in support of national exports, such as that offered by the US Export-Import Bank. The Office of Finance and Insurance Industries is the Commerce lead on these issues and participates in related OECD meetings and negotiations.

The Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits (latest version)

Other Specialized Export Credit Information:
Aircraft: Aircraft Sector Understanding
Bribery: OECD Recommendation on Bribery and Officially Supported Export Credits
Exposure Fees: Knaepen Package
Exposure FeesCountry Risk Classifications
Environment:  2007 Revised Recommendation on Common Approaches
Highly Indebted Countries: Statement of Principles on Export Credits to Highly Indebted Countries
Tied Aid:What is tied aid? / Guidance on the Potential Eligibility of a Project for Tied-Aid Support
Untied Aid:What is untied aid? / Japanese aid / Untied Aid Project Database

Main OECD Export Credit Website

OECD Members' Official Export Credit Agency Websites

Insurance and Pensions

OFII leads the US delegation to the OECD Insurance and Private Pensions Committee and serves as a Vice Chair of the Committee. Ninety-five percent of the world's insurance business is done in OECD countries. Private or otherwise non-public pension plans are becoming more and more important, both in the OECD area and in emerging economies. OECD work on the broader consequences of ageing has been reinforced in recent years.

OECD Insurance and Pensions

Entrepreneurship and Small Business

OFII serves as the USG representative to the OECD Entrepreneurship Working Group. The Center serves as a catalyst, increasing synergies between different areas of expertise, and raising the profile of OECD work on entrepreneurship. It is in charge of disseminating best practices on the design, implementation and evaluation of initiatives to promote entrepreneurship, SME growth and local economic and employment development.

Centre for Entreprenuership, SMEs and Local Development