
Americas Competitiveness Forum 2010 - Photos
Scott Davis, Chairman & CEO, UPS delivers a keynote address. |
Rafael Alburquerque, Vice President of the Dominican Republic, greets U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke while Mauricio Funes, President of El Salvador looks on. |
Angelino Garzón, Vice President of Colombia, and Rafael Alburquerque, Vice President of the Dominican Republic, have a discussion with moderator Cynthia Hudson, Senior Vice President and General Manager of CNN en Español. |
Michael Camuñez, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Market Access and Compliance, introduces Francisco Sanchez, U.S. Undersecretary of Commerce for International Trade; Luis Alberto Gómez Sánchez, Advisor to the Director General, Customs Administration of Costa Rica; Sergio Mujica, Deputy Secretary General, World Customs Organization; Welbar Barral, Secretary of International Trade, Brazil; and Carlos Gianelli, Ambassador to the United States for Uruguay. |
Dionisio Gutiérrez, President, Corporacíon Multi Inversiones; Deborah Wince Smith, President, U.S. Council on Competitiveness; Frederico Curado, President and CEO, Embraer, S.A.; and Eduardo Solórzano, President and CEO, Walmart Latin America, discuss the private sector's role in promoting competitiveness. |
Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke hosted a meeting of vice presidents and ministers at the ACF. Pictured left to right are: Andres van der Horst, Minister and Executive Director of the National Competitiveness Council, Dominican Republic; Andres Fontaine, Minister of Economy, Chile; Hector Miguel Dada Hirezi, Minister of Economy, El Salvador; Erick Heraldo Coyoy Echeverria, Minister of Economy, Guatemala; Veronica Rojas, Vice Minister of Trade, Industry and Development, Nicaragua; Roberto Henriquez, Minister of Commerce and Industry, Panama; Rafael Alburquerque, Vice President, Dominican Republic; Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke; Charlotte Mangal, Minister of Commerce, Industry, and Consumer Affairs, St. Lucia; Angelino Garzón, Vice President, Colombia; Alden Rivera, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Honduras; Welber Barral, Secretary of International Trade, Brazil. |
Competitiveness councils and authorities forming the Inter-American Competitiveness Network met at the ACF to develop a workplan to promote competitiveness in the Americas. They will present their work at the next ACF in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in October 2011. |
Pictured left to right, Jose Ignacio Gonzales, President, CIFAL Atlanta; Juan Carlos Varela, Vice President of Panama; Rafael Alburquerque, Vice President of the Dominican Republic; Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta; Francisco Sanchez, U.S. Undersecretary of Commerce for International Trade; Stephen Brereton, Consul General of the Consulate General of Canada in Atlanta; and Angelino Garzón, Vice President of Colombia, who all spoke at the opening reception. |
Jim Clifton, President and CEO, The Gallup Organization, delivers a keynote address. |
ACF 2010
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