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Timothy J. Hauser served as Deputy Under Secretary for International Trade from August 1991 until August 2005. As such, he served as chief operating officer for the 2500-person, $360 million International Trade Administration (ITA). Hauser oversaw the day-to-day operations of ITA in its trade promotion, trade policy and trade law enforcement activities and serves as principal adviser to the Under Secretary. He has also served as Acting Under Secretary numerous times over the past decade.

A 24-year Commerce employee, Hauser received the Presidential Distinguished Executive Award in 1992, the Senior Executive Association’s Distinguished Executive Award in 1993, and the Presidential Meritorious Executive Award in 1988.

Hauser served from 1987-1991 as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Planning, responsible for the department’s participation in interagency trade policy development activities. In 1986-87, he was detailed to the White House as Deputy Executive Secretary of the Economic Policy Council, where he developed recommendations on international trade issues for the President, Cabinet and senior White House staff.

From 1982-1986, Hauser directed ITA’s Office of Multilateral Affairs. There, he managed Commerce’s work on trade and investment issues in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations. He frequently represented the department in international negotiations.

Hauser joined Commerce in 1979 on the staff of the Assistant Secretary for Policy. From 1971 to 1979, he worked as an economist with the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ International Price Competitiveness Program.

A 1970 graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, Hauser received a Master’s Degree in international relations (1972) and did additional graduate work at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C. and Bologna, Italy.

A native of Pittsburgh, Hauser is married and has one son.

Last Updated: 8/25/15 5:46 PM

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