Office of Supply Chain, Professional and Business Services
The Office of Supply Chain, Professional and Business Services (OSCPB)is led by Director Maureen Smith.
What we do:
As an advocate for the development of U.S. service industries in international trade,OSCPB and its trade specialists work closely with the private sector to expand their exports, and participate with other U.S. government agencies to improve foreign market access for U.S. companies. The Office coordinates the Services Working Group of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC), in addition to the following:
Trade Policy—OSCPB supports and participates in bilateral and multilateral negotiations on services trade, including the GATS services agreement in the WTO and the development of new agreements on Services in the FTAA and APEC. The office works with other U.S. agencies on implementation of services trade agreements, e.g. the World Trade Organization (WTO) and NAFTA. In addition, OSCPB oversees two Congressionally mandated Industry Trade Advisory Committees—Services and Finance Industries and Distribution Services--to ensure industry input in policy development.
Export Development—The office provides export development assistance and information to U.S. companies. It manages a trade promotion program of industry events and conferences. OSCPB specialists help exporters identify opportunities in specific overseas markets.
Industry Analysis—OSCPB prepares analyses on key service industries and provides policy makers with information and analysis on international trade and competitiveness in services. OSCPB specialists are recognized as the U.S. Government’s primary experts on service industry issues.
Who we are:
Supply Chain Team
The Supply Chain Team provides expert guidance on industry analysis, competitiveness, trade policy and negotiations regarding a broad variety of services industries including: express delivery; cold chain and distribution services (retail, wholesale, franchising, direct marketing, direct selling); transport services (air, maritime, rail, trucking); and physical infrastructure (architechture, engineering, and construction) that can make supply chain networks more competitive.
Professional, and Business Services Team
The Professional and Business Services team promotes and represents the interests of education services; professional services, including legal services, accounting, and management consulting; and other business

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