HLED Fact Sheet (12/08/16)
HLED Joint Declaration
Secretary Pritzker's HLED
Op-EdHLED Fact Sheet
HLED Joint Statement
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Progress Report on the
U.S.-Mexico High Level
Economic DialogueU.S.-Mexico 21st Century
Border Management ProcessUpdated HLED Fact Sheet
Secretary Pritzker's HLED
Press ReleaseVice President Biden's HLED
Fact SheetU.S.-Mexico Energy Business Council
Federal Register Notice
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As a component of the U.S.-Mexico High Level Economic Dialogue, the United States and Mexico established a U.S.-Mexico Energy Business Council (Council) to bring together representatives of the respective energy industries of the United States and Mexico to discuss issues of mutual interest, particularly ways to strengthen the economic and commercial ties between energy industries in the two countries. These representatives will be appointed for a two-year term, during which they will communicate actionable, non-binding recommendations to the U.S. and Mexican governments. The U.S. issued its Federal Register Notice in February 2016 to solicit membership for the U.S. section. The first term of the Council will run from 2016 to 2018.
For more information on what the Council sets out to do, please view the Terms of Reference, in English or in Spanish.
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