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- Office of Transportation Machinery

Office of Transportation and Machinery
Automotive Team
The Office of Transportation and Machinery’s Automotive Team covers motor vehicle (passenger cars, light trucks and heavy trucks) and automotive parts (original equipment, aftermarket and specialty equipment). The Team does not cover motorcycles, recreational vehicles, or construction equipment or other offroad vehicles.
The Team undertakes industry analysis, contributes to U.S. trade policy development, participates in trade negotiations, monitors the implementation of existing agreements, and evaluates the impact of domestic and international economic and regulatory policies on the aerospace, automotive, and machinery industries. The Team works with other Department of Commerce units and U.S. agencies in developing public policies that advance the global competitiveness of the U.S. automotive industry.
A key to the successful efforts of the Team is our strong working relationship with trade associations and individual automotive companies.
Please contact us regarding any competitiveness issues your company or trade association might have.
What We Do For You:
Promote U.S. policies that encourage the competitiveness of the U.S. automotive industry
Seek to ensure that U.S. regulations and other programs do not adversely impact U.S. industry competitiveness
Develop and recommend U.S. policy positions for multilateral and bilateral discussions related to the automotive industry that ensure U.S. companies are safeguarded from unfair trading practices (e.g. the WTO)
Provide information, trade data, and industry analysis to the U.S. business community, policy makers, and trade negotiators
Maintain close liaison with U.S. automotive firms to focus and construct programs that enhance U.S. industry's competitiveness
Provide export assistance, including advocacy and business counseling, to help automotive companies penetrate new markets, increase market share, and resolve specific market obstacles
Participate as members of automotive-specific trade negotiating teams

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