Market Development Cooperator Program


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Topic Index


Application Examples


Actual applications by MDCP award winners from previous years

Many of the applications that were submitted by prior winners of MDCP awards are available for review on our list of MDCP projects. When referring to these applications please remember that they were submitted pursuant to a federal funding opportunity notice specific to the year of the competition. All applications are evaluated relative to the other applications submitted that year. The same application submitted one year might not win if it had been submitted in another year. ITA usually receives far more worthy applications than it has resources to fund.

Mock application

A mock application is provided below. As described in the FFO, a complete MDCP application includes Parts 1, 2, and 3. A summary of each of these parts is set forth below. Note that there is no link to an example document for Part 1, Forms. Each applicant downloads forms from and submits them online. These submitted forms constitute Part 1 for any applicant.

Part 1, Forms
Part 3, Budget: Narrative
For a more detailed explanation of how to complete your application and submit it on, see our Application Package page.
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