15th Meeting of the
Advisory Committee on Supply Chain Competitiveness
U.S. Department of Commerce
19 - 20 October 2016
19 October - Agenda
Summary 19 October, 2016
Committee Welcome/Introduction and Meeting Logistics
Director for the Office of Supply Chain Bruce Harsh began the meeting by welcoming the committee members and the public participants. At the request of Mr. Harsh, each person in the room identified themselves and their respective companies.
Committee Chair Rick Blasgen noted the goals and agendas for the plenary sessions on October 19 and 20, and highlighted the opportunity to meet with such distinguished experts on these supply chain issues, and the important work being done by the subcommittees and committee at large.
Single Window Update
Department of Homeland Security DAS in the Office of Policy Christa Bryzowski updated the ACSCC members on the progress of the Single Window developments and the implementation plans going forward for this initiative.
Government of Argentina Presentation: “Argentina and the Insertion into Global Supply Chains”
Due to the timing of an Argentinian delegation meeting at the Department of Commerce, the ACSCC members were briefed by Argentina’s Policy Advisor Secretary of Productive Transformation (Supply Chain) from the Ministry of Production Andrea Lorena Gonzalez on the challenges and opportunities of Argentina’s supply chain. Although the presentation was done in Spanish, an individual from her delegation provided translation of her remark’s, which followed along with a power point presentation in English.
Hanjin Bankruptcy
Department of Commerce’s Deputy Director of Policy & Strategic Planning and Senior Advisor for Strategic Initiatives in Office of the Secretary Jeff Weiss updated the members on the status of the Hanjin Bankruptcy process and USG efforts to engage the Government of Korea to take positive steps regarding Hanjin’s bankruptcy.
Port Community IT Systems Exposition & Technology Challenge
Mr. Weiss described the upcoming “21st Century U.S. Port Competitiveness Initiative” that the Department of Commerce is partnering with the University of Southern California (USC) to bring together a wide spectrum of stakeholders, system suppliers, researchers and innovators to collaborate on developing a Port Community IT system. A copy of the invitation for his event was distributed during the meeting.
Closing and Adjournment
Mr. Blasgen outlined the agenda for the next day and raised the recommendation from the Trade and Regulatory Subcommittee that will be discussed and, if appropriate, voted on at the meeting on October 20. Mr. Blasgen adjourned the meeting until tomorrow morning.
The 16th ACSCC Meeting: Day 1 (audio) - (The meeting starts at the 15 minute mark)
20 October - Agenda
Summary 20 October, 2016
Committee Welcome
Department of Commerce’s Director for the Office of Supply Chain Bruce Harsh welcomed the ACSCC members and public attendees to the second day of meetings. At the request of Mr. Harsh, each person in the room identified themselves and their respective companies.
Comments and Committee Business
Committee Chair Rick Blasgen reviewed the upcoming topics and recommendations to be discussed by ACSCC subcommittees and the topics for the day’s session.
Freight Movement and Freight Policy Subcommittee Developments
Via teleconference, Chair for the Freight Policy and Movement Subcommittee Rick Gabrielson described the subcommittee’s recommendation on a standard list of data elements and offered it up for a vote after discussion. The recommendation had been sent to all the members prior to the meeting and the Committee approved it with no changes.
Report on DOT Programs and Legislation
U.S. Department of Transportation’s Caitlin Rayman addressed the committee on the status of DOT programs, including North American supply chain, freight fluidity, strong ports, and FAST Act. Mr. Travis Black, U.S. Department of Transportation - Maritime Administration, provided insight into the programs being done through the Maritime Administration to help with international trade.
Workforce Developments
Chair for the Workforce Development Subcommittee Anne Strauss-Wieder noted that the committee is discussing future recommendations and asked about the status of the subcommittee’s previous submission. Mr. Harsh noted that the Department is still considering how to implement these recommendations and next steps.
Finance and Infrastructure Developments
Chair for the Finance and Infrastructure Subcommittee Leslie Blakey noted that the committee has been working on putting together a short list of ideas or recommendations that can be combined with other committee recommendations to present to the next Administration regarding supply chain.
Trade and Regulatory Developments
Co-chair for the Trade and Regulatory Subcommittee Jevon Jamieson presented to the full committee a recommendation to improve the U.S./Mexico Cross border process. The recommendation had been sent to all the members prior to the meeting, distributed at the meeting, and then displayed on the screens throughout the meeting room. The committee discussed the recommendation and approved by the committee.
Top Supply Chain Priorities Going Forward 2017
ACSCC Chair Blasgen discussed the idea of the ACSCC putting together a list of recommendations that can be presented to the incoming Administration regarding our nation’s supply chain. This has been a recurring idea of the ACSCC, which members are in agreement to pursue. Mr. Blasgen shared an email from Professor Boysen about finding ways to improve the nation’s infrastructure. Chair for the Finance and Infrastructure Subcommittee Leslie Blakey noted that these suggestions could be incorporated into her subcommittee.
Information Technology and Data Developments
Chair for the IT & Data Subcommittee Tiffany Melvin shared some ideas that the subcommittee could work on going forward. Ms. Melvin also suggested that the subcommittee should change its name to Trade Innovation, which everyone agreed was a good idea.
Closing and Adjournment
Chair Rick Blasgen and DOC’s Bruce Harsh thanked all the committee members for their time and expertise on this committee.
The 16th ACSCC Meeting: Day 2 (audio)
21 April - Agenda- Coming Soon
The 15th meeting of the Advisory Committee on Supply Chain Competitiveness will be held October 19 -20 at the Commerce building in Washington DC.

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