Conference Call of the
Advisory Committee on Supply Chain Competitiveness
Department of Commerce
Washington, DC
07 September 2016
Richard Boll, Designated Federal Office (DFO) for the ACSCC, opened the conference call at 4:03. Mr. Boll welcomed everyone to the conference call and introduced Maureen Smith, Director, Office of Supply Chain to the conference participants.
Ms. Maureen Smith also welcomed the participants and thanked everyone for participating on this important phone call to discuss ACSCC’s Freight Subcommittee’s proposed recommendation. Ms. Smith thanked the Freight subcommittee for its work on this recommendation and noted that we look forward to this discussion and welcomes everyone’s comments.
DFO Richard Boll stated that he sent all the documents, including call in information, to all the individuals that registered for the conference. He noted that this call was to discuss the document titled “Recommendation to the Secretary of Commerce Regarding U.S. Supply Chain, Seaport and Stakeholder Information Sharing”. Mr. Boll followed this with roll call to identify the participants for this conference call.
After roll call, Mr. Boll turned the meeting over to ACSCC Chair Rick Blasgen. Mr. Blasgen opened by welcoming everyone to the call. He noted that the Freight Subcommittee has been working hard to get this proposed recommendation ready for full vote of the committee and that this call was an important step to get non-members of the committee to comment on this recommendation. He highlighted that this recommendation is not associated or related to the ongoing work being done by the Department of Transportation.
Mr. Rick Gabrielson, Chair of Freight Subcommittee of the ACSCC, explained the recommendation and the importance of this to the supply chain system and the movement of cargo here in the U.S. and abroad.
Mr. Blasgen opened the call up to all teleconference participants to discuss paper. No comments made in reference to the recommendation.

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