About the Manufacturing Council
The Manufacturing Council
Washington, D.C. 20230
The Manufacturing Council serves as the principal private sector advisory committee to the Secretary of Commerce on the United States manufacturing sector. The Council was established on April 7, 2004 as a result of a recommendation in the Bush Administration’s report Manufacturing in America: A Comprehensive Strategy to Address the Challenges to U.S. Manufacturers released in January 2004. The report called for enhancing the U.S. Government’s focus on manufacturing competitiveness, including the creation of the Manufacturing Council.
The Manufacturing Council consists of up to 25 private-sector individuals, including a Chairman and Vice Chair, appointed by the Secretary of Commerce for a two-year term. As a Secretarial advisory committee, the Council acts under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce and the Council members serve at the pleasure of the Secretary. Members do not receive compensation for their service to the Council. The membership of the Council reflects a balanced cross-section of U.S. manufacturing industry sectors, including entities from various geographic locations and businesses of varying size.
The Manufacturing Council’s mission is threefold – (1) to ensure regular communication between Government and the manufacturing sector; (2) to advise the Secretary of Commerce on government policies and programs that affect United States manufacturing and provide a forum for discussing and proposing solutions to industry-related problems; and (3) to ensure that the United States remains the preeminent destination for investment in manufacturing throughout the world.
The work of the Council focuses on the following objectives:
- Enhancing Government’s focus on manufacturing competitiveness;
- Creating the conditions for economic growth and manufacturing investment;
- Lowering the cost of manufacturing in the United States;
- Investing in innovation;
- Strengthening education, retraining, and economic diversification; and
- Promoting open markets and a level playing field.
Consistent with these objectives, previous Councils have had subcommittees on issues such as Manufacturing 2040, Sustainable Manufacturing, Access to Credit, Research & Development, Energy Independence, Trade Imbalance and Short Term Job Creation. The number and focus of the subcommittees can change depending on the Secretary’s and the Council’s interests. The Council typically meets 3-4 times a year in Washington, D.C. but the Council has met in several other U.S. cities including Pittsburgh, PA, Dearborn, MI, Chicago, IL and Rochester, NY.
The Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing and Services serves as the Executive Director. The Office of Advisory Committees houses the Executive Secretariat and can be reached at (202) 482-4501 or U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 4043, Washington, DC, 20230. The Manufacturing Council’s website is: www.trade.gov/manufacturingcouncil.

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