Robert Degeneff
Robert Degeneff
President, Utility Systems Technologies
Dr. Degeneff is president and founder of Utility Systems Technologies, Inc. which builds electronic voltage regulators and electric power quality mitigation equipment. UST currently has equipment installed in over 40 countries. Prior to assuming his role at UST, Dr. Robert Degeneff was Professor of Electric Power Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York for 17 years. The department was involved into the research, design and performance improvement of electric utility and industrial power apparatus. Dr. Degeneff’s area of expertise is the transient performance of electric power apparatus and he has lectured and consulted in this are internationally for the past four decades. Before joining RPI, Dr. Degeneff was with General Electric for 16 years. Initially as a Senior Development Engineer with GE's Large Power Transformer Department and later, as a manager in various positions of increasing responsibility in the power transformer business, HVDC systems, and utility planning.
Dr. Degeneff received his B.Eng degree from Kettering Institute and his masters and D.Eng from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He served in the United States Air Force as a technical intelligence officer from 1967 until 1971. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu and Sigma Xi. He is a PE in New York, Fellow in the IEEE and 2008 recipient of the Herman Halperin Award. He has published over seven dozen papers (two IEEE prize papers), one book, chapters in 5 books and holds eight patents.
He is married with two children, enjoys woodworking, reading history, collecting old technical books and playing farmer.
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