Dawn Grove
Dawn Grove
Corporate Counsel, Karsten Manufacturing Corporation
Dawn Grove is Corporate Counsel for Karsten Manufacturing Corporation, the parent company of PING and related subsidiaries, and has served on the board of directors of Karsten Manufacturing Corporation continuously since 1995. KMC’s main subsidiary, PING, is one of the top three golf equipment brands in the U.S., exports about half of its products outside the U.S. and has earned the most Golf Digest Hot List awards of any golf equipment brand for three straight years (2012, 2013, 2014). Ms. Grove is Vice-Chairman of the Arizona Manufacturers Council (formerly known as the Arizona Association of Industries) and is the longest serving member of its board of directors. She also serves on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry, and chairs its Budget & Government Reform Committee and Fiscal Policy Task Force.
Prior to going in-house with Karsten Manufacturing Corporation, Ms. Grove practiced law in Los Angeles and Phoenix from 1991-1998 (most recently at Bryan Cave, LLP), primarily representing manufacturers. Her work in environmental litigation inspired her to seek more effective means of assisting clients, such as through public policies that encourage making products in the U.S. while discouraging protracted lawsuits, and helping corporate boards avoid litigation through improved internal policies and comprehensive corporate recordkeeping. She received her doctor of Jurisprudence from Pepperdine University School of Law in 1991.
Ms. Grove is married to Rawleigh Grove and they have three children. She has a black belt in Taekwon-do, mentors young adults, and enjoys golf.
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