U.S.-Brazil Commercial Dialogue
U.S.-Brazil Commercial Dialogue
Industry and Investment Working Group
The Industry and Investments working group promotes greater interaction and cooperation between Commerce’s industry experts and the industry experts housed in the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC).
The key objectives of this working group are to address trade barriers and capitalize on commercial opportunities that are specific to certain industrial sectors. Agenda items in this working group include: cosmetics, environmental tech, smart grid, digital manufacturing, and impact investing sectors. Two sectors are highlighted below.
Foreign Direct Investment
In February 2014, then Acting Under Secretary for International Trade, Ken Hyatt, and Tatiana Porto, Director of Corporate Management at Apex-Brasil, signed a memorandum of intent between SelectUSA and Apex-Brasil to promote investment opportunities and bilateral investment flows. In 2015, the Foreign Commercial Service and the U.S. Ambassador to Brazil led 42 Brazilian firms to the SelectUSA Investment Summit in March, the largest delegation from Latin America, and many of these firms are close to completing new U.S. investments. The Foreign Commercial Service organized the first SelectUSA Brazil Road Show in December, 2015 with stops in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and Belo Horizonte, attracting hundreds of companies and providing economic development organizations (EDOs) and multipliers with a unique platform to promote their regions and programs.
Green Chemistry
In 2015 Commerce and MDIC introduced green chemistry (GC) to the Industry and Investment working group to demonstrate GC’s importance for improved trade, economic development, and environmental conditions. The near-term objectives of this proposal include introducing GC to government officials of the relevant agencies, outlining GC’s benefits, and identifying steps toward the use of GC products and processes in a more sustainable/advanced manufacturing process. Longer-term objectives include US-Brazil collaboration to share best practices on GC with government agencies, business leaders, and research institutions.

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