- Office of Energy and Environmental Industries
- Office of Health and IT
- Office of Transportation Machinery

Office of Transportation and Machinery
Room 38032
U.S. Department of Commerce
Washington, DC Phone: 20230-0001
Scott Kennedy—Office Director
Phone: 202-482-1474
Kim Wells—Aerospace Team Leader
Space launch, space products
Remote sensing
Aircraft engines
General aviation aircraft, regional jets, and rotorcraft
U.S. export control regulations
Aircraft finance, export credits and Cape Town Convention
Aerospace issues in the Western Hemisphere (excluding Canada) and the Middle East/North Africa
Phone: 202-482-2232
Jonathan Alvear
Airport infrastructure
Aviation security
Next Generation Air Traffic Management (NextGen)
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
Aerospace issues in the Japan and the ASEAN Region
Designated Federal Officer for the Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Aerospace Equipment (ITAC 1)
Prepares critical data and economic analysis essential for trade negotiations and policy development
Phone: 202-482-4125
Robert McEntire
Global defense exports
Competiveness and subsidies issues
Aircraft parts, including Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) parts
Airworthiness approval regulations
WTO Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft
Aerospace issues in Canada, China, and India
Designated Federal Officer for the Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Aerospace Equipment (ITAC 1)
Phone: 202-482-5226
Andrew Rechenberg
Large Civil Aircraft
Aircraft Parts
Aerospace issues in Europe
Phone: 202-482-5672
Elizabeth Clark—Automotive Team Leader
Phone: 202-482-4478
Elizabeth Couch
Monitors automotive-related issues in China, North Africa, and the Middle East.
Monitors automotive-related counterfeiting issues.
Serves as Team Leader for the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Market Development Cooperator Program Award.
Provides industry input for Commerce's automotive-related trade promotion events, such as Automotive Aftermarket Industry Week.
Phone: 202-482-2120
Andy Parris
Monitors automotive industry issues in Central and South America, Caribbean, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, and Western and Eastern Europe.
Monitors automotive remanufacturing issues.
Monitors and addresses issues related to advanced automotive drive train, alternative fuel and fuel-economy related technologies.
Monitors regulatory issues, including EPA and NHTSA issues affecting the U.S. automotive industry.
Phone: 202-482-1420
Todd Peterson
Monitors automotive industry issues in China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and in ASEAN countries.
Monitors auto-related issues in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum.
Addresses automotive-related Free Trade Zone (FTZ) concerns.
Serve as Team Leader for the CALSTART Market Development Cooperator Program Award.
Prepares U.S. vehicle-related trade data.
Phone: 202-482-3865
Jeffrey Williams
Monitors automotive issues in Mexico, Canada, Korea, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh
Monitors North American Free Trade Agreement and U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement automotive-related issues
Monitors U.S. legislative issues of concern to the automotive industry
Email: Jeffrey.Williams@trade.gov
Phone: 202-482-0670
Padraic Sweeney—Machinery Team Leader (Acting)
Senior Policy Advisor
Monitors industry and trade policy issues on:
Agricultural Equipment
Food Processing Equipment
Packaging Machinery
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
Hotel & Restaurant Equipment
Phone: 202-482-5024
Kit Rudd
Monitors industry and trade policy issues on:
Construction Equipment
Mining Machinery
Re-Manufactured Machinery
Fluid Power Technology
Plastics Production Equipment
Printing, Publishing & Converting Technologies and Equipment
Phone: 202-482-1385
Forrest Nielsen
Designated Federal Officer (DFO) for the Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Automotive Equipment and Capital Goods (ITAC-2).
Web Site Coordinator for Automotive and Machinery Teams
Prepares data for Automotive and Machinery Teams
Monitors industry and trade issues on:
Diesel Engines
Railway Equipment
Additive Manufacturing
Packaging Materials
Metalworking Equipment/Machine Tools
Industrial Molds
Special Dies, Tools, Jigs & Fixtures
Welding Apparatus
Soldering Equipment
Phone: 202-482-5784
Jaron Bass
Monitors industry and trade policy issues on:
Industrial Automation
Additive Manufacturing
Process Controls and Sensors
Electric Motors
Material Handling Equipment
Phone: 202-482-0285

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