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Market Development Cooperator Program - Cooperator Basics - At a Glance

Cooperator Basics - At a Glance

A "Cooperator" is a Recipient of MDCP Funds.

No. Item/reference Explanation When Approval/ concurrence
1. Part A of performance progress report (PPR) ITA export measures




60 days after the end of each quarter

Federal program officer

2. Part B of PPR Milestones specific to each project
3.  Financial report SF-425 30 days after the end of each quarter Grants officer
4. Reimbursement Drawing down your award funds As often as you request it
5. Use of ITA emblem Acknowledge ITA support in all project elements Prior to each proposed use

ITA-MDCP team leader and federal program officer

6. Success agreement Commits U.S. firms participating in project activity Prior to each project activity
7. Success stories Photos help tell the story As often as warranted
8. Fiscal year operating plan Helps ITA plan for each federal fiscal year Mid-August
9. Performance report, final

One-time report in addition to the quarterly PPR

90 days after end of project period

10. Financial report, final SF-425 Grants officer
11. Special award conditions (SACs)

Stipulations at the beginning of the project

30-90 days after accepting award Federal program officer
12. Fly America Act waiver request Request to use a non-U.S. carrier for air travel funded by federal or non-federal share (match) As soon as practicable (3 weeks prior to travel if possible)

Federal program officer

Grants officer


13. Excessive cash on hand Email message from GrantsOnline

Sent only when there have been no reimbursements claimed for an extended time

14. Change in project director Cooperator work assignment changes As soon as possible but not later than 30 days prior to the end of the award period
15. Change key project personnel  
16. Change in institution name If legal name of the cooperator changes
17. No-cost extension to project period May be extended to no more than seven (7) years total
18. Change in MDCP project scope

Example changes: industry focus, target markets

19. Reallocation Among Budget Categories Exceed 10% of the total project budget (see procedure)
20. Are less than 10% of the total project budget As soon as possible Coordinate with ITA-MDCP team leader and federal program officer
21. Other changes Anything not covered elsewhere above



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