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Top Markets Series: Construction Equipment
Construction machinery manufacturers and producers of related parts and equipment in the United States have enjoyed sustained success, both at home and abroad. Products in this sector are necessary for the completion of new residential and commercial construction and infrastructure, as well as the maintenance and expansion of existing buildings, roads, transportation routes, water and sanitation facilities.
Over the past five years, a number of factors have affected U.S. exports of construction machinery. Even after recouping many of the losses from the 2008 to 2009 global recession, U.S. construction equipment exports are still at an eight-year low.
The 2016 Construction Equipment Top Markets Report ranks 25 countries based on historical trade data and a number of "drivers" of global trade for this sector.
This report identifies global challenges and barriers to export, as well as opportunities for export growth. Case studies take a more in-depth look for five countries.
Kit Rudd, Senior International Trade Specialist, is the author of this report. Special thanks to Scott Kennedy, Director of the Office of Transportation and Machinery, for his helpful suggestions on the initial draft of this report. Important support was also received by members of ITA's Global Markets Country Offices, as well as U.S. Commercial Service Offices overseas regarding sector markets in their respective countries.
This report is part of the Top Markets Series. Each report ranks future export opportunities within a particular industry based on a sector-specific methodology.

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