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Top Markets Series: Financial Technology
The emergence of financial technology companies (FinTech) -companies whose line of business combines software and technology to deliver financial services - will reshape and improve finance by cutting costs and expanding access to financial services. From payments to wealth management, from marketplace lending to equity crowdfunding, a new generation of startups is emerging within the FinTech sector, with firms attracting $19 billion in investment in 2015.
There are several factors that help explain FinTech's emergence as a growth sector, including technology (social networks, big data), a favorable regulatory environment and demographics (rise of the millennials). These factors may give FinTech options an increasing advantage over traditional financial services.
The International Trade Administration (ITA) has ranked 40 international markets by both projected FinTech payments and overall projected FinTech sector size. The country case studies provide an overview of opportunities in several important markets.
The country cases of the United Kingdom, China, Singapore, Brazil and Australia represent developed, emerging, big and small markets and offer a broad perspective on the efforts of governments and private stakeholders to shape their FinTech markets.
Scott Schmith served as the lead author on this report. Vincent Tran and Tino Perera of the Office of Finance and Insurance Industries were coauthors and major contributors. The team would like to thank Karen Ballard, Duncan Archibald, Ryan Hollowell, and Sweehoon Chia of the U.S. Commercial Service and Alex deKeyserling for their gracious support.
This report is part of the Top Markets Series. Each report ranks future export opportunities within a particular industry based on a sector-specific methodology.

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