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Top Markets Series: Medical Devices
The global medical devices market offers tremendous opportunity for U.S. manufacturers, as well as significant challenges, for government policymakers seeking to support U.S. export competitiveness in overseas markets. Besides the steady growth seen in the largest and more mature medical device markets that is likely to continue into the future, there are other promising markets for these products in Southeast Asia and Latin America.
Through bilateral and multilateral fora, the U.S. government stands ready to help the medical device sector further develop and enhance its global competitiveness and make a meaningful contribution towards improving individual and public health worldwide.
This Top Markets Report examines 57 different markets in terms of U.S. export history, forecasted market risk and rewards for exporters of medical technology; per capita spending in markets; and market size. It also includes a more detailed look at the eight top markets through country case studies.
Gerry Zapiain, Senior International Trade Specialist in the Office of Health and Information Technologies, served as the lead author of this report. Special thanks to Julian Richards, Rebecca Gudicello, Jennifer Boger, and ITA's Global Healthcare Technologies Team: Tembi Secrist, Anette Salama, Hiroyuki Hanawa, Connie Irrera, Monique Roos, Alicia Herrera, Maher Siblini, Tracy Yeoh, and Chamberlain Eke.
This report is part of the Top Markets Series. Each report ranks future export opportunities within a particular industry based on a sector-specific methodology.

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