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Top Markets Series: Media and Entertainment
The Media & Entertainment Top Markets Report provides a review of seven global licensing and export markets and two regions across four broad sectors: book publishing, filmed entertainment, music, and video games. The Media & Entertainment (M&E) sector report aims to stimulate thinking and activity about trade opportunities, job creation, and the U.S.' unique contributions to culture. The report also expands awareness of how U.S. law makers and government export promotion services can be a partner in identifying new or extended opportunities to licensing and exporting creative content and related products.
In addition to identifying trends in the rapidly evolving digital media and entertainment industry in the United States, the M&E report highlights opportunities for U.S. exporters, and notes important developments in the sector on digital licensing. The analysis was developed through a compilation of consultations with key industry stakeholders, meticulous analysis of known trade data and economic indicators, leading industry research, as well as the trade, regulatory and policy environments across more than 25 countries. The M&E report analyzes the continued growth of the industry in select global markets, the drivers of future export competitiveness, and the impact of intellectual property policies and piracy on growth.
This ITA Top Markets report attempts to provide insight to companies and U.S. government trade agencies by assessing foreign markets and ranking them based on export potential. Based on trade data and global industrial indices, along with market intelligence from U.S. Foreign Commercial Service Officers, our rankings represent the best current understanding of market opportunities. The report provides exporters with detailed assessments of selected markets by providing five country case studies to illustrate a variety of points for comparison.
Andrea DaSilva served as lead author of this report. A note of thanks goes to Presidential Management Fellow Blake Murray for his research contributions. Additional thanks is extended to the leadership team in the Office of Digital Services Industries and the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Services, as well as the extended ITA review team at Commercial Service Posts and in Washington, DC. The majority of the industry data sourced in this report comes from the PriceWaterhouseCoopers Global Entertainment & Media Outlook (2015 - 2019). Special thanks to Matthew Lieberman, PwCTechnology, Infocomm, Media and Entertainment Marketing Leader for his support.
This report is part of the Top Markets Series. Each report ranks future export opportunities within a particular industry based on a sector-specific methodology.

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