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- Health IT
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Top Markets Series: Health IT
Health Information Technology (Health IT) is a dynamic, multifaceted sector that has the opportunity to dramatically influence delivery, efficiency, patient care and cost for healthcare markets worldwide. Health IT can be described as the use of a suite of products and services designed to improve and coordinate patient care, address growing health costs and confront the long-term burden of disease through the use of technology. Countries at all levels of development and sophistication in the healthcare and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sectors can derive benefits from implementing Health IT in their jurisdiction.
Health Information Technology (Health IT) is a relatively new and rapidly developing commercial sector, both in the United States and overseas. The Health IT Top Market Report will cover some of the key parameters indicating potential export opportunities for the Health IT sector, and will assess the relative export opportunities in the sector across 100 countries; focusing in particular on the mobile health and telehealth subsectors.
- Full Report
- Overview and Key Findings
- Brazil
- Canada
- Denmark
- Germany
- India (New for 2017)
- Japan
- Mexico
- Saudi Arabia
- Singapore
- South Korea
- Turkey
- United Kingdom> (New for 2017)
Matthew Hein served as the lead author of this report. Special thanks to Selina Milligan, of the Office of Health and Information Technologies, who wrote several country case studies and reviewed market intelligence and data; Cary Ingram of the Office of Health and Information Technologies for insights on the IT sector; and Julian Richards of the Office of Trade and Economic Analysis, who compiled the dataset and calculated the initial top market ranks. Finally, important support was received from the nearly two dozen U.S. Commercial Service offices overseas that completed an on-line survey about key features of the Health IT market in their respective countries.
This report is part of the Top Markets Series. Each report ranks future export opportunities within a particular industry based on a sector-specific methodology.

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