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Top Markets Series: Semiconductors and Related Equipment
The U.S. semiconductor industry is the leading provider of semiconductors to the world with a majority of global market share. U.S. companies also lead in the semiconductor manufacturing equipment sector, accounting for 47 percent share of the world market. Over 80 percent of U. S. semiconductor sales take place outside of the U.S., and 84 percent of semiconductor manufacturing equipment sales take place outside of the United States. In order to compete in this industry, most semiconductor and semiconductor manufacturing equipment companies must export.
This report ranks the top 40 markets for semiconductors and the top 30 markets for semiconductor manufacturing equipment. In addition, it provides in-depth analysis through five country case studies and two sector snapshots.
The 2016 Semiconductors and Related Equipment Top Markets Report is an update of the 2015 report. Since the publication of the 2015 report, there have been a number of key developments that affect the Semiconductors and Related Equipment sector, reflected in the new 2016 rankings, and described in detail in later sections of this report.
Dorothea Blouin served as the lead author of this report. Travis Mosier, Ellen House and Courtney Lang contributed to the case studies. Special thanks to the U.S. Commercial Service staff in China, the European Union, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan for their comments.
This report is part of the Top Markets Series. Each report ranks future export opportunities within a particular industry based on a sector-specific methodology.

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