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Top Markets Series: Pharmaceuticals
Encouraging and fostering U.S.-based innovative and generic industries is critical to the future of the U.S. economy and to improving healthcare outcomes for patients around the world.
As growth rates slow in traditional markets, the development of new export markets is essential to sustain the pharmaceutical industry.
This Top Markets Report examines over 50 different markets in terms of economic development, value of U.S. exports, aging populations, per capita pharmaceutical spending, degree of price controls, intellectual property protection and other factors that contribute to pharmaceutical demand growth.
It then assesses key regulatory market barriers abroad that influence U.S. industry's export competitiveness and provides an estimated ranking of export markets by level of opportunity through 2017.
The report provides commentary on the challenges and barriers facing U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturers going forward.
Michael Finn was the lead author of this report. Much of the primary information and data was derived from Business Monitor International (BMI) publications and developed through conversations with industry. A note of thanks goes to Jennifer Boger, Yolinda Qu, Gwenann Manseau, Eileen Hill, Renee Hancher, Rebecca Gudicello, Julian Richards, Gerry Zapiain and U.S. Commercial Service specialists around the world.
This report is part of the Top Markets Series. Each report ranks future export opportunities within a particular industry based on a sector-specific methodology.

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